It is your first time with certified-parts, there might be some issues with shopping our products. The buying process on our website is simplified and anyone can use it whether you are tech-savvy or not. However, there have been reported cases from different people having some issues while shopping for products. We developed this section to help our clients solve these problems. Asides from any challenges you might encounter while shopping, we also understand that you have questions concerning our shopping process. Some of these questions range from cancellation, return, order processing, returns, order handling. There might also be questions regarding our stock, how to buy a product even though they are out of stock. Your order is also important to us as it is to you, and you might have questions on why your order is pending, voided, or canceled and how to process your refund. This section will answer all these questions, do you have questions regarding some of our shopping services, and our restocking, and why we charge it. It will help you handle any issue relating to shopping without the need to contact customer support. We don’t want to leave you stranded at any point; therefore, this section also handles questions relating to how you can pay, the mode of payment we accept, and the region that we ship products to. In addition, we also offer some shopping tips to provide you the best experience without difficulties.